Friday, January 22, 2010

5 Website Design Tips To Attract More Visitors To Your Website

In present scenario almost all companies have a website of its own. The main purpose behind having a website is to draw traffic towards your website so that you can project your products and demonstrate your services. So 5 tips that you must keep in mind to draw traffic towards your website are :-
1. Keep it simple :- The design of the website must be simple. A viewer who visits your website should understand what you are talking about at the very first go. Simplicity does not mean that the design should not be beautiful,it just means that it should not be distracting.
2. Keep it quiet :- There should not be any music played as soon as your site loads. Every viewer does not have the same taste and it can annoy certain viewers.
3. Avoid too many pop ups of adverts :- Having Advertisement in your site is good but too many adverts can turn off certain viewers.
4. Keep the flash away :- The site must be simple yet attractive. Too much use of flash makes the site jazzy which is not always appreciated.
5. Make it easy to navigate :- The navigation should be taken care of. The viewers should be able to navigate all the pages of the site from the homepage.

1 comment:

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